Studiowork Shop

Dry Seal Maker | Machine Made

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  • Regular price ₱3,658.00


Dry Seal | all Machine Made

⚜️For Profession like Engr's.Arch.,MP,Lawyer/Notary Public ,Doctor,CPA and Etc..
☑️desktype ordinary - 3,658
☑️Desktype stainless - 3,800
☑️Pocketseal - 4,400

⚜️For Non Profession, Logo/Customize design like Company,School,Business, Churches,Clinics,Orgs,Barangay and other Institution Logos
☑️desktype Ordinary -  add 300
☑️Desktype Stainless - add 300
☑️Pocketseal - add 300 


Yung desktype both weigh 1.8kgs. Ordinary is Painted cast iron,

Stainless is stainless coated.

while pockestseal is portable and Lightweight that you can bring anywhere