Studiowork Plus

Intimate Wedding & Other Events Packages

  • Sale
  • ₱16,500.00
  • Regular price ₱20,650.00

The recent pandemic and the New Normal has affected our way of doing things. For a limited time only,  we at Studiowork Plus will be offering the Intimate wedding Packages to suit the required number of people and observance of proper protocols. We can make it possible, together we can start strong. 


*Soft Copy Package A for New Intimate / Civil / Church Weddings
‣ One (1) Photographer / Soft copy only Php 16,500
‣ One (1) Videographer   Php 10,500 (Basic Edit)
‣ Two (2) Videographers Php 18,500 (SDE Style Edit)
* Intimate Wedding Package A-2 Digital Photography Only
‣ One Photographer and lighting assistant Php 26,500
‣ Two Photographers and lighting Assistant Php 29,500  
Package Inclusions:
‣ One (1) Set 20 Pages Photobook Album Spread Layout

‣ Prenuptial Shoot

‣Token Cards


 All processed / edited Photos will be stored in our website and a high resolution  download link will be provided to our clients.


Location Permit,  Accommodation, Wardrobes & Make up is assigned to the client. 

You may add this product in your cart and confirmation will be sent to your email or you may contact us  @ 09175647688 or email at regarding our availability.